# @brief Defines the project name, version and binary dir. # @param CURRENT_PROJECT_NAME The name of the project to define. # @param CURRENT_PROJECT_BINARY_DIR [optional] Override for the default project binary dir (PROJECT_BINARY_DIR for executables, CMAKE_BINARY_DIR for libraries). macro ( project_header CURRENT_PROJECT_NAME ) # Determine the version and fill the following variables : # SOVERSION : The tag from the git-repository. Not necessarily a number-only string. find_package(Git QUIET) if(GIT_FOUND) if( EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe --abbrev=0 --tags WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message( STATUS "================================================================" ) message( STATUS "Found the following tag : ${CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION}") message( STATUS "================================================================" ) else() message( STATUS ".git directory does not exists..") message( STATUS "Project directory : ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") endif() else() message( STATUS "git-command not found....") message( FATAL "Unable to determine the version of the software.") endif() message( STATUS "" ) message( STATUS "================================================================" ) message( STATUS "Creating Makefile of ${CURRENT_PROJECT_NAME}" ) message( STATUS "================================================================" ) message( STATUS "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION: ${CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION}" ) set(SOVERSION "${CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION}") set(VERSION "${CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION}") project(${CURRENT_PROJECT_NAME} VERSION ${CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION}) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY GLOBAL_DEPENDS_NO_CYCLES 1) set ( optional_macro_args ${ARGN} ) list ( LENGTH optional_macro_args num_optional_args ) if ( ${num_optional_args} GREATER 0 ) # Set project binary dir override to the specified value list ( GET optional_macro_args 0 CURRENT_PROJECT_BINARY_DIR ) set ( ${PROJECT_NAME}_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR ${CURRENT_PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} CACHE STRING "${PROJECT_NAME} binary dir" FORCE ) endif() endmacro()