timestamp.h 2.46 KB

#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <QString>

namespace osdev {
namespace components {

 * @brief Timestamp class that allows formation of a sequence of ordered events.
class Timestamp
     * @brief Creates an invalid timestamp. This is the oldest possible timestamp.
     * @note A timestamp can only become valid by assigning a valid timestamp to it.

     * @brief Creates a timestamp based on miliseconds since the epoch.
     * @param msecsSinceEpoch Number of miliseconds since the epoch. Value 0 leads to valid timestamp.
     * @note Timestamp with value 0 is larger then the invalid timestamp.
    explicit Timestamp(unsigned long long msecsSinceEpoch);

    // default constructable and movable.
    Timestamp(const Timestamp&) = default;
    Timestamp& operator=(const Timestamp&) = default;
    Timestamp(Timestamp&&) = default;
    Timestamp& operator=(Timestamp&&) = default;

     * @return true if this timestamp is valid, false otherwise.
    bool valid() const
        return (m_seqNr > 0);

     * @return true if this timestamp is smaller (older) then rhs.
    bool operator<(const Timestamp& rhs) const;

     * @brief Prefix addition operator.
     * Increases the Timestamp sequencenumber so that timestamps with the same number of msecs since the epoch can also be ordered.
     * @note An invalid timestamp remains invalid.
     * @return Reference to this timestamp.
     * @throw std::out_of_range exception when seqnr is about to overflow.
    Timestamp& operator++();

     * @brief Postfix addition operator.
     * Increases the Timestamp sequencenumber so that timestamps with the same number of msecs since the epoch can also be ordered.
     * @note An invalid timestamp remains invalid.
     * @return The timestamp as it was before increment.
     * @throw std::out_of_range exception when seqnr is about to overflow.
    Timestamp operator++(int);

     * @return Stringified timestamp as msecsSinceEpoch:seqNr.
    QString toString() const;

    unsigned long long m_msecsSinceEpoch;   ///< Number of miliseconds since the epoch.
    unsigned long long m_seqNr;             ///< Sequence number.

}       /* End namespace components */
}       /* End namespace osdev      */