3.44 KB

Explanation on usage: If ‘Type: ‘ is in front of it, that is a command that should be put on the commandline.

OSDev Jenkins setup: (curie) Fedora 35 server Go to the directory where the Dockerfile is located (usually /root/docker_jenkins) as root or import from git. git clone

Dockerfile: FROM jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11 USER root RUN apt update && \ apt install -y --no-install-recommends openssh-client build-essential gnupg curl cmake libboost* libpaho* ca-certificates apt-transport-https && \ curl -sSfL | apt-key add - && \ sh -c "echo deb stable main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" && \ apt update && apt install -y octopuscli RUN echo "jenkins ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers USER jenkins

Setting up the docker image: Type: docker build .

copy the hexstring behind “Succesfully built [hexstring]” and past the hexstring behind the following command:

Type: docker run -d --name=osdev_jenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 --restart=on-failure [hexstring]

type: docker ps -a to check if the docker container is made, up and running.

Log into the docker container: Type: docker exec -it osdev_jenkins bash

Type: cd Type: ssh-keygen (to create the private and public key pair for ssh connectivity) (choice to put in passphrase, up to you, but need to be remembered for the ssh connectivity of jenkins to other applications)

copy the content of to gitlab user jenkins as public key. Now to establish a connection and verify the host key, do the following: Type: cd Type: git clone Type: yes Type: rm -rf mqtt-cpp

Backend is now setup. Last thing to do is the following: Type: cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword select and copy the result.

###################################################################################### Setting up jenkins frontend:

go to OR and follow the next steps to setup jenkins.

First paste the initialAdminPassword result into the textbox and accept.

Create an admin user: name: jenkins password: jenkins password (remember this one!) email:

Then go for the "Select which plugins to install" option and search for gitlab. Select it and begin installation.

Extra plugins to install:

  • generic-webhook-trigger (only available AFTER the initial setup, so install first, find the plugin through “manage plugins” later and install)

SSH credentials in Jenkins: create a user “jenkins” and go to “users” "jenkins" “credentials” Option: SSH connection with private key Description: gitlab_ssh

copy the private key from the container.

How to copy the private file content to jenkins frontend: docker exec -it osdev_jenkins bash cd .ssh cat id_rsa copy ALL content of the file

In the gitlab_ssh configuration, find the private key header, select "enter directly" and paste the contents of the private keyfile

Add a job: Description: mqtt-cpp_build GitLab Connection: select your gitlab_ssh connection.

Building steps: execute shell script

add the cursive text (without asterixes) to the script frame:

step 1:

cd /var/jenkins_home/workspace/mqtt-cpp_build rm -rf mqtt-cpp

Now add another buildstep with a shell script:

step 2:

git clone cd mqtt-cpp scripts/setup_submodules -i mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make