mqttmessage.h 2.08 KB

// std
#include <string>

// paho-c
#include <MQTTAsync.h>

namespace osdev {
namespace components {
namespace mqtt {

 *  @brief  Class for paho mqtt message data
class MqttMessage
     * @brief   Construct empty MqttMessage instance

     *  @brief  Construct MqttMessage instance by copying information gfrom the paho message struct
     *  @param  topic   - Paho topic data (copied)
     *  @param  msg     - Paho message data (copied)
    MqttMessage( const std::string &topic, const MQTTAsync_message &msg );

     *  @brief  Construct MqttMessage instance.
     *  @param  topic         - Topic String
     *  @param  retainedFlag  - Flag that indicates if message is retained
     *  @param  duplicateFlag - Flag that indicates if message is duplicate.
     *  @param  thePayload    - The message itself.
    MqttMessage( const std::string &topic, bool retainedFlag, bool duplicateFlag, std::string thePayload );

    /*! @return The retained flag value. */
    bool retained() const { return m_retained; }

    /*! @return The duplicate flag value */
    bool duplicate() const { return m_duplicate; }

    /*! @return The topic on which the message is received. */
    const std::string& topic() const { return m_topic; }

    /*! @return The message payload. */
    const std::string& payload() const { return m_payload; }

    /*! @return This instance as a paho message */
    MQTTAsync_message toAsyncMessage() const;

    bool            m_retained;     ///< Retained flag. Not all brokers communicate this flag correctly. (emqx does not, mosquitto does.)
    bool            m_duplicate;    ///< Duplicate flag ( for qos 1? )
    std::string     m_topic;        ///< The topic on which the message is recieved.
    std::string     m_payload;      ///< The actual message data.

}       // End namespace mqtt
}       // End namespace components
}       // End namespace osdev